
POEM - Ruinous Blue

No revenge, because it was honestly

an honor to love you

No revenge, because you gave much

which you can never take back

No revenge, because you weren’t the only one

who got things wrong

No revenge, because you’re an entire block

of my autobiography


No revenge, because no thing of beauty

was built to last forever

No revenge, because I rightfully revel in the fact

that we are not the same

No revenge, because some part of me

always knew what you were

No revenge, because I genuinely needed

what your mess once afforded

No revenge, because those were younger hearts

we were loving with

No revenge, because it would make me count less

in everyone else’s eyes

No revenge, because we all deserve

to chase unburdened happiness

No revenge, because time has yet to put us

in the correct perspective


No revenge, because your choices

no longer concern me

No revenge, because I’m dumb enough

to take things too far

No revenge, because pain

is a poor place to linger

No revenge, because my best deserves better

than the memory of our end