
POEM - To Stumble, yet Fail to Fall

It was not nothing

In a world full of people who

rarely manage the bare minimum,

I reached out with passionate abandon

I said the thing in all the varied ways

that I knew (or know) to say it

You live the benefit of having

exactly what’s inside my mind

at all times

You see what our tomorrow holds

ahead of every other living soul,

and you fail to take it for granted

My, what unfathomable folly of luck

chaperones us both

The darkness is ever-present, yes,

but it no longer detracts from

what I know to be good about

our shared reality

That we share at all should be

hailed as miraculous

You are a saving grace,

and I rejoice in you above all others

Even when I sleep, you are a crowned queen

Goddess, I feel unfit to sit beside you

Nonetheless, I will stay by your side

And I will make of myself

more than I believed I could be

in hopes (in turn) of making you proud

of who’s next to you

Together, we could heal humanity;

that is the pleasurable rub of what

secret screams within my heart

So what say you?

Is it enough?

Am I… enough?

And are you ready for more

than the bare minimum

you’ve been awash in?

I do so wonder,

but (something tells me)

not for much longer

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