
Guided Legacy Journals



  1. Headphones Hall of Fame
  2. Headphones Hall of Fame 2
  3. Headphones Hall of Fame 3
  4. The Banter Bar Journal
  5. The Rated Radio Podcast Journal
  6. The Secret Me: A Biased Perspective
  7. The Secret Me: A Biased Perspective 2
  8. The Secret Me: A Companion’s Relic
  9. The Secret Me: A Companion’s Relic (The Naming Edition)
  10. The Secret Me: A Couch Potato’s Take (Table Game Edition)
  11. The Secret Me: A Couch Potato’s Take (Television Edition)
  12. The Secret Me: A Couch Potato’s Take (Video Game Edition)
  13. The Secret Me: A Daily Journey
  14. The Secret Me: A Fantasy Manifesto
  15. The Secret Me: A Film Fanatic’s Record
  16. The Secret Me: A Film Fanatic’s Record 2
  17. The Secret Me: A Gift Book of Insight
  18. The Secret Me: A Guided Listen
  19. The Secret Me: A Guided Listen 2
  20. The Secret Me: A Harry Potter Examination
  21. The Secret Me: A List Lover’s Keepsake
  22. The Secret Me: A Music Enthusiast’s Diary
  23. The Secret Me: A Music Enthusiast’s Diary 2
  24. The Secret Me: A Music Enthusiast’s Diary (The Unguided Edition)
  25. The Secret Me: A Nonsense Adventure
  26. The Secret Me: A Photo Album
  27. The Secret Me: A Photo Album 2
  28. The Secret Me: A Questionnaire Journal
  29. The Secret Me: A Questionnaire Journal 2
  30. The Secret Me: A Questionnaire Journal for Teens
  31. The Secret Me: A Rated Survey
  32. The Secret Me: A Rated Survey 2
  33. The Secret Me: A Rated Survey 3
  34. The Secret Me: A Recipe Compendium
  35. The Secret Me: A Recounter’s Chronicle
  36. The Secret Me: A Recounter’s Chronicle 2
  37. The Secret Me: A Recounter’s Chronicle 3
  38. The Secret Me: A Shared Life Log
  39. The Secret Me: A Shared Life Log 2
  40. The Secret Me: A Watch Party
  41. The Sudoku Journal
  42. The Sudoku Journal 2
  43. The TOP 100s Journal

THIS JOURNAL IS PROOF: by Daily Memory Books

80+ assorted gift journals for less than $5 each


  1. The Me Journal


‘The Banter Bar Journal 2’


To purchase signed books directly from me, simply send a payment to wordfireprose@yahoo.com from your PayPal account. Be sure to let me know which books you’re purchasing, who to make your books out to, and where to mail them (US shipping only, no PO Boxes).

My signed paperbacks may be purchased for $20 each, with the exceptions of ‘Noteworthy’ (which is $30), plus ‘Hopeless Oceans’ and ‘The First Phoenix’ (which are each $50). I’m currently not signing copies of my hardbacks. Pricing already includes tax and shipping charges. Signed books may take up to 4 weeks to be delivered from the time of purchase.

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