
No Blink



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'No Blink' is perfect for anyone who's seeking a new watch without the hassle of digging through lengthy reviews. Having rated more than 3,000 films and shows, I feel ready to open my opinions up for public consumption as a near-wordless critic who hates spoilers. So what you'll get with 'No Blink' is a highly visual representation of my thoughts on a given watch. You can even search through my posts on Patreon if you're looking for a specific title, add your own ratings and thoughts as comments, and even recommend or request that I watch whatever's missing.

My ratings scale goes from 0-10, and here's a breakdown of what each number means:

3 = WEAK
6 = GOOD

Generally speaking, you might expect a large number of things to fall in the 5-6 range, so I'd tend to say a given watch needs to be at a 7 or higher for it to be recommendable. The notable exception to this rule of thumb exists in the horror genre; while it's my favorite genre to consume, my expectations of high-brow art are admittedly lower here. Basically: 5s and 6s in the horror genre can still make for excellent watches.

Some other things worth knowing about my preferences include the fact that I like character-driven westerns (not just a western for the sake of itself), am rarely wowed by innovative film techniques without a worthwhile plot in the mix, and have a bias toward watches which make me emotional (so long as they aren't just regurgitation). Camp also has to be a pretty unique vibe for me to dig it.

I’ve been rating movies since I was a kid. So, while this is nothing new to me, some of my ratings are very old, and many have never been revisited; meaning I can’t promise my 9-year-old self would agree with my old-ass self. I’m also rating the enjoyability of a given film, not necessarily its artistic value; hence why I might think something older than my grandparents is dull, yet give high marks to something that I know amounts to ridiculous slop.

What I look for in a film is something that affects me, first and foremost. I expect a solid narrative where one should exist, insight where the theme is thought-provoking, etc. I may think a piece has groundbreaking cinematography, or a wildly unique premise, but if the goods aren’t delivered throughout, then I’m not going to pretend those amazing parts represent the whole.

I don’t care how many famous people are in a flick. I don’t care if the director is one whose work I tend to adore. And I don’t care if IMDB says otherwise. My ratings will always reflect how a movie made me feel; the higher the rating, the more intense the emotions. I’m judging the other elements too, but I don’t think the rest matters nearly as much.

My ratings scale is rarely as harsh as it initially seems. Mediocre titles are things I thought had redeemable moments. And even a rating of weak can sometimes just mean I felt indifferent.

Additionally, while I greatly enjoy laughs and action, I’m also someone who loves to ponder heavy subject matter, as well as be shocked, scared, mortified, saddened, and—you get the idea. Without espousing my religious and political beliefs, suffice it to say that I’m not going to recommend mindless things which aren’t meant to be mindless, or shallow watches parading as deep ones.

Again, some of my ratings date way back, or are the product of a single watch—plus, you know, sometimes things click more than they should in the moment—so if you think something deserves a fresh viewing, just let me know, and I’ll try to make it happen.

This page may just be a bunch of opinions, but I do tend to see a troubling disparity between what audiences and critics think. And the way sites give an average of all user ratings really can warp what your expectations of what a watch is going to be. My aim is to bridge that gap between everyday person, and full-time film critic, so that you’re left watching more of what’s awesome, and less of what isn’t. We’re all but guaranteed to disagree on certain things. But I genuinely hope this page becomes a reliable friend to you; somewhere you can turn anytime you need new recommendations, or to help another movie lover get the most out of the medium.

I'm now offering Patreon subs for just $3 per month. For that, you get access to everything I ever post. And I'll be adding hundreds of new ratings per month for the foreseeable future. So come find your next great watch today!

Warmest regards,

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