
POEM - In Full-Throated Fashion

A writer must weave webs;

so very many webs

Any fool can spin yarns,

and be thought clever,

but artistic entanglement

takes the true talent of practice


No one opens my messages with haste,

but I suspect that’s part of what ensures

I’ll live on longest (among those I know),

once all of us are dead

Your worth will vary

from one mind to the next,

and you’ll never have an inkling

of that exact value, I’m afraid


All the more reason to exist

as an unreasonably confident creature

You could give in to the pressures

of every mismatched soul around you,

or you could simply decide that

you’ve been keeping the wrong company

None of us manifest before another

in our undeniable entirety;

we don’t even do this in front of mirrors

But the common odds of a person’s dice,

you can comfortably come to know

So find those who enjoy your median


Without your noticing, I’ve made you prey

I’ve stretched you along these sticky lines,

and watched your deepest veins pulsate

But I’ve no intention of consuming

the best of those flavors within you;

what I want is to cook alongside them


The rest of this dull world be damned,

for there are plenty like we

to happily coexist with

Take it from someone who once thought

that unicorns needed more representation:

You can’t lose a race you’re still running