
POEM - The Nocturnal Need

Will this sun of theirs never set?

Won’t their buzzing ever quiet?

What value is there to be found in daylight

now that you and I have discovered

a safe place to land in each other

beneath the unseeing eyes

of a night sky


There is frankly too much

potential in your nearness

(your eager voice, the wicked

glint in your eyes)

for me to manage napping my way

through this dragging eternity;

it blinds me with desperate desire

I long to taste your sugar-spice tongue,

and every necessitous word it knows

I would immediately stop

believing in tomorrow

if you promised me tonight

So read aloud that unwritten

novel in your mind, line by line,

and trust that I will dream about it

—about you


Even if the sun never wakes us again,

visions of you will dance on for me,

like infinite pages which my

spirit’s flame must subsist on

Your name, in any alien language,

will prove cause for pause

And no matter how many moons

can be crammed into the cosmos,

none will ever matter more

than the one I experience you under;

the one for which our wait is almost over


So let us steady this

thinning patience, pale blossom,

for eventide is soon to bloom

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